Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Child's Perspective

This week we have been talking about the excitement of today and that William is (was suppose to be) line leader at school. This involves taking a snack for his class, sharing one of his favorite books, and pictures of his family. As the evening progressed last night, what we thought was a little cough got worse and worse. Then came the fever and the throwing up. During all of this mess and him feeling so bad, he looks at me with such sad eyes and says "Mommy, I don't think I can go to school tomorrow. I can't be line leader." It broke my heart knowing that he had looked forward to this day where he was "extra special" in his class and really got to shine. Sometimes we take those small little moments for granted and I so want to remember those. I have reassured him all day that he will have another chance at being the line leader and that today he got to have some extra special time and attention from mommy.


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