Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow Days

These are some of our pictures we took during our snow days. It was so much fun!!!


Krista Sanders said...

I love your pictures!! These are great-- my 2 favorite ones- Your cute boot in the snow and sweet William's face as he is throwing the snowball!!

Margie said...

Wow! When I clicked onto this post, I gasped. Your pictures took my breath away. You really caught the richness and depth of the Great Snowfall.

By the way, I miss seeing you at Mom's Group. Possibly we'll see each other next month?

Dondra said...

Krista- Thanks for your sweet words.

Margie- Thank you for your kindness. I miss seeing everyone at mom's group too. My ministry at the church is really growing and I am excited about what God is doing. It keeps me busy. I mentioned to Krista about everyone meeting for dinner sometime out near my way so that we could catch up. Maybe soon. Take care.