Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Costa Rica

There is so much to say about our trip and time spent there that I wanted to share my "favorites"...

* William's first plane ride and him putting his hands in the air and saying "Wow this is fun" as we took off

* Seeing Jake, Dodie, and Hannah at the airport

* the local travel accomodations and traffic

* the blue, aqua water so clear that you can see for miles

* the cool breeze as we layed out on the beach

* breakfast and lunch with the 'monos' or monkeys

* being in a rainforest

* special bonding time with family

Our time spent there will forever be in our minds and hearts...


Margie said...

Dondra, I just want to apologize for not keeping up! You all had a busy summer and you're at the top of my blog list, but I still let too much time go by without reading.

Now: Costa Rica! Wow. I'd love to talk to you more about this trip in person. How long has it been?

Dondra said...

Margie, It has been too long. I would love to visit with you about our trip. Never seen anything so beautiful.