Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is Jesus Worth It?

The last few days, weeks, and months have been leading up to this time around my living room Sunday night. My sister began to share some things on her and Jake's heart; things that they had learned and experienced during their time in Virginia. One particular discussion really stuck out to them. They heard a story of a man that had been persecuted for the Gospel. During an interview, someone asked the man, "Is Jesus Worth It?" As Dodie shared her heart, she had to say, with the utmost conviction, that yes Jesus is worth it. Worth living in a foreign country. Worth sacrificing the finer things we enjoy. Worth sacrificing even your life for Jesus. Then the challenge came to us, her family. Is Jesus Worth It? Is Jesus worth being from your daughter and your sister for years at a time? Is Jesus worth not seeing your granddaughter or niece? Worth you taking a stand and vocalizing to your own family, friends, and neighbors that He is the Son of God. Dodie reminded us of the verses in Luke 18:29-30 that say "I tell you the truth..."Jesus said. "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come, eternal life." What a promise to hold on to! It brings me such comfort when my heart is heavy. I am challenged and I want to look at my own life and say "Is Jesus Worth It?"

Is Jesus Worth It...to you?


Margie said...

Dondra, this has been a challenging post for me. My first response was, "Sure!" But is He enough if it came to leaving my kids? Toughie. It reminds me of a passage in one of Oswald Chambers' letters: "You see, I believe that Jesus Christ has all power in heaven and on earth, do you? I find most people believe He has all power in heaven, but are not sure about earth."

I want to have his kind of faith.

I loved this post. I can't stop thinking about it.

Krista Sanders said...

Just wanted you to know I read this weeks ago! I have no idea why I didn't comment.
I say YES! So hopefully I will live YES whenever presented the opportunity. I pray so.