Wednesday, January 2, 2008

the new year

Isn't it amazing that as the new year approaches we always start thinking about the things we are going to change and things we are definitely going to 'stick to' and on and on it goes. I have been thinking a lot this week about the way my new year can be different and I have decided it needs to start with me and then the rest will just follow. As it follows, I hope and pray that it won't be just something I did one year but it will become a lifestyle. Our speaker and friend at church said last sunday that consistency is always good unless whatever you are being consistent at is well...bad. That statement really struck me and as I have pondered that and other things this week I have said to myself "Am I being consistent at the good things? The things that matter?" I will admit there are things I want to change this year but like I have said earlier, I hope that whatever I do change it will be for the good and not just this year but for years to come.


1 comment:

Krista Sanders said...

Great thoughts-- I know you are consistent in our "long distance" friendship and I appreciate that!