Saturday, October 13, 2007

the "What If s"...

Due to some unusual circumstances this week, I have had a lot on my mind about William and the 'what ifs' of life. What if...he doesn't really understand talking to strangers can get him into trouble. What if...he were to get kidnapped. What if...we as parents fail to teach him about things like safety, being a good person, and on and on. As my mind has been racing, I remembered the book I just read by Linda Dillow. The name of it is "Calm My Anxious Heart" and there is a chapter dedicated especially to the 'What If s" that life throws at you. She encourages readers to truly give those over to God and to not let your mind race and worry about the things we have no control over. She says that God is the Blessed Controller of all things and we can put these circumstances and things at His feet and know that we don't need to worry about them anymore. Throughout the week, God has given me a peace that He knows my heart. A mother's heart that longs to know that nothing bad will happen to my child. He has also started giving me insight and wisdom on how to approach some of these hard topics that you really don't want to discuss with your child but you have to. What happened to the innocence of life and not having to worry about all these things? There are still moments of innocence that I will cherish everyday but I know that at other times we need to teach, be prepared, and to continue to pray for God's protection around William and each other. The 'What If's ' can get you down; we must believe that they are taken care of by God and treasure the here and now.


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